What really is Productivity

What really is Productivity
By productivityforyou •  Updated: 09/30/20 •  2 min read

We all know Productivity is something everyone should have. We see tons of ways to improve productivity in our social feeds. We dream of reaching those levels of infinite productivity. But what really is Productivity?

Wikipedia says productivity describes various measures of the efficiency of production. James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, defines productivity as a measure of a person’s efficiency completing a task. In my own words, I would polish more say Productivity is the rate of getting things done efficiently for better results.

Getting things done cannot be considered productive until the output gets better and meaningful. That’s why a person who is always busy may not be productive. Remember, productivity is not the rate of getting busy in your life. It’s about using your time wisely to grind out better results.

The definition of productivity is straightforward but being productive is easier said than done. It needs our full attention and concentration amid all distractions. It needs proven strategies to apply. It needs tools that help us to focus on our most important task.

Okay, then how to improve your productivity on a personal level? Unfortunate to say, only you know it. Even if you read hundreds of articles on the internet or watch tons of YouTube videos about productivity you will do nothing unless you take action. The productivity tip of one person is not guaranteed to work on you. Be productive or not; it’s up to you.

Well, the other side of the coin is we all are humans. Even though the environment and situations we live in are different, we humans have similar behaviours and habits. That’s why a productivity hack given by some random guy can be helpful for most of us.

I created this blog to share some useful resources and insights that help me and you pursue a productive life. Stay tuned for more!

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