What really is Procrastination

What really is Procrastination
By productivityforyou •  Updated: 10/01/20 •  2 min read

Everyone procrastinates. Even if you are a so-called productive guru, you can’t claim you had never procrastinated in your life. Wherever we discuss productivity, we should discuss procrastination too. So, what really is procrastination?

Wikipedia says procrastination can be stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have negative consequences. In my own words, I would polish more to say Procrastination is a form of laziness that avoids tasks that need to be finished.

Productivity and procrastination are related. The more you procrastinate, lesser your productivity levels. They are inversely proportional. That’s why finding ways to stop procrastinating is as important as finding ways to increase productivity.

There’s a lot of science behind why we are procrastinating. I am not going to dig into the psychology of human beings. One reason why we procrastinate is our inner fear. Yes, the inner fear of being uncomfortable. That’s why the chances of procrastination are rampant when the tasks are challenging.

The other reason for procrastination is our pure laziness to take action. More often, the problem may be just a starting trouble. Fixing starting troubles and get the tasks done in time need sincere efforts. Procrastination helps only to increase your anxiety, thus reducing your self esteem.

So, how to stop procrastinating? The most important way to stop procrastination is to build a habit or mentality to take immediate actions. Breaking that one big challenging task into smaller tasks can help you to overcome your inner fear. Pre-plan your day or week to have a clear idea of what you are going to do. Confusions are suitable promoters of procrastination.

You can’t talk about productivity without mentioning procrastination. It’s time to solve the undeniable complexity of procrastination. Stay tuned for more blog posts on procrastination.