From Unhappy to Happy: Four Habits You Need to Break

From Unhappy to Happy: Four Habits You Need to Break
By productivityforyou •  Updated: 02/26/23 •  7 min read

Happiness is something we all strive for, yet many of us struggle to attain it. While there are many factors that contribute to our overall sense of well-being, our daily habits play a significant role. The things we do on a regular basis, whether we’re aware of them or not, can either bring us closer to happiness or push us further away from it.

In this post, we’ll explore four common habits that can make you unhappy, and offer suggestions for how to break them. By becoming aware of these habits and making small changes to your daily routine, you can start cultivating a more positive and fulfilling life. So let’s dive in!

Focusing on Outcomes, Not Actions

It’s natural to want to achieve our goals and see results from our efforts. However, when we become too fixated on the end result and ignore the process and actions that lead up to it, we set ourselves up for disappointment and frustration.

This habit can manifest in many areas of our lives. For example, in our careers, we may focus solely on getting a promotion or a raise, without considering the quality of our work or the relationships we build with colleagues. In our personal lives, we may obsess over finding a romantic partner or achieving a certain weight or fitness level, without appreciating the journey of self-improvement.

To break this habit, we need to shift our focus from outcomes to actions. Instead of fixating on the end result, we can focus on the small steps we can take each day to get closer to our goals. By doing this, we can develop a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment from the process of growth and progress, rather than relying solely on external validation.

For example, if your goal is to write a book, focus on writing for a set amount of time each day, rather than obsessing over how many pages you’ve written or when you’ll finish. If your goal is to get in better shape, focus on exercising regularly and making healthy choices, rather than obsessing over the number on the scale.

By shifting our focus to actions, we can develop a more sustainable and fulfilling approach to achieving our goals.

Constantly Comparing Ourselves to Others

In today’s hyper-connected world, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. Whether it’s on social media, at work, or in our personal lives, we often measure our success and happiness against that of others.

This habit can be incredibly damaging to our self-esteem and well-being. When we constantly compare ourselves to others, we set unrealistic standards for ourselves and may feel inadequate or insecure. It can also lead to envy, resentment, and a sense of isolation from others.

To break this habit, we need to shift our focus inward and practice self-compassion. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we can focus on our own strengths, accomplishments, and areas for growth. We can also recognize that everyone has their own unique path and journey, and that it’s not productive or healthy to compare ourselves to others.

Practicing self-compassion can also help us develop a more positive and supportive relationship with ourselves. We can be kind and understanding towards our own flaws and imperfections, and celebrate our own successes and accomplishments.

To cultivate self-compassion, try these strategies:

By focusing on self-compassion and cultivating a positive relationship with ourselves, we can break the habit of constantly comparing ourselves to others and develop a more fulfilling and authentic sense of self.

Believing That More is Always Better

In our consumerist society, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that more is always better. We’re bombarded with messages that tell us we need to have more money, more possessions, more success, and more experiences to be happy and fulfilled.

However, this mindset can actually be counterproductive to our happiness and well-being. When we focus too much on accumulating more, we may neglect the things that truly matter to us, such as our relationships, health, and personal growth. We may also fall into a pattern of constant comparison and competition with others, which can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and burnout.

To break this habit, we need to shift our focus from quantity to quality. Instead of accumulating more, we can focus on cultivating a sense of contentment and satisfaction with what we already have. This can involve simplifying our lives and focusing on the things that truly bring us joy and fulfillment.

For example, instead of accumulating more possessions, we can focus on decluttering and simplifying our living spaces to create a more peaceful and meaningful environment. And instead of constantly seeking out new experiences, we can focus on cultivating deeper connections and experiences with the people we already have in our lives.

By shifting our focus from more to enough, we can develop a more sustainable and fulfilling approach to life, and find greater happiness and contentment in the present moment.

Living in the Past or Future, Not the Present

Many of us are guilty of living in the past or future, rather than fully embracing and enjoying the present moment. We may dwell on past mistakes or regrets, or worry about what the future holds. However, this habit can be incredibly damaging to our happiness and well-being.

When we focus too much on the past or future, we may miss out on the beauty and opportunities that exist in the present moment. We may also feel overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed by constantly rehashing past experiences or worrying about the future.

To break this habit, we need to practice mindfulness and presence. This means focusing our attention on the present moment, without judgment or distraction. We can do this by engaging in activities that bring us joy and meaning, such as spending time in nature, practicing meditation or yoga, or simply savoring a delicious meal.

We can also practice gratitude, which involves appreciating the present moment and the blessings in our lives. This can involve reflecting on the things we are thankful for, such as our health, relationships, and personal accomplishments.

Finally, we can practice acceptance, which means accepting the present moment as it is, without trying to change or control it. This can involve letting go of regrets or worries about the past or future, and embracing the present moment with an open and curious mindset.

By cultivating mindfulness, gratitude, and acceptance, we can break the habit of living in the past or future, and develop a more fulfilling and present-focused approach to life. We can find greater happiness and contentment in the moment, and build a more positive and meaningful relationship with ourselves and others.


Happiness is not a destination, but a journey that is shaped by the habits and practices we cultivate in our daily lives. By breaking free from negative habits and embracing positive ones, we can create a more fulfilling and joyful life experience.

In this blog post, we explored four habits that can make us unhappy: focusing on outcomes, constantly comparing ourselves to others, believing that more is always better, and living in the past or future. By recognizing and breaking these habits, we can find greater happiness, contentment, and meaning in our lives.

It’s important to remember that breaking these habits is not a one-time event, but a continuous process that requires patience, self-compassion, and perseverance. By making small, positive changes to our daily routines and mindset, we can create a ripple effect of positivity and transformation in our lives and the lives of those around us.

So let’s commit to breaking these negative habits and cultivating positive ones that bring us joy, fulfillment, and peace. Let’s embrace the journey of happiness, one step at a time.

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