7 Tips to Overcome Procrastination

7 Tips to Overcome Procrastination
By productivityforyou •  Updated: 02/27/23 •  9 min read

Most of us have struggled with procrastination at some point in our lives. You know the feeling: you have a deadline approaching, but instead of working on the task, you find yourself scrolling through social media, watching Netflix, or doing anything else to avoid the work.

While procrastination may seem harmless in the short term, it can have serious consequences in the long run, from missed opportunities to decreased productivity and increased stress. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to overcome procrastination and become more productive.

This blog post will explore 7 tips to help you overcome procrastination and get things done. Before jumping into the tips, it’s worth understanding the psychology behind procrastination.

The psychology of procrastination

Procrastination is a complex phenomenon that has been studied extensively by psychologists. At its core, procrastination is a self-regulation failure that occurs when we put off tasks that we know we should be doing. There are several reasons why we procrastinate, including:

It’s important to note that not all procrastinators are the same. Some people may procrastinate occasionally, while others may have chronic procrastination habits. In fact, psychologists have identified different types of procrastinators, including:

Understanding the psychology of procrastination can help us identify the root cause of our procrastination habits and develop strategies to overcome them. In the next section, we will explore 7 tips to help you overcome procrastination and become more productive.

Set clear and specific goals

One of the most common reasons why people procrastinate is that they lack clear and specific goals. When we don’t have a clear idea of what we want to achieve, it can be challenging to motivate ourselves to take action. On the other hand, when we have a clear goal in mind, we’re more likely to take action and make progress towards that goal.

To overcome procrastination, it’s important to set clear and specific goals. Start by breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. For example, if your goal is to write a book, break it down into smaller tasks, such as writing for 30 minutes a day or writing 500 words per day.

When setting goals, it’s also important to make them specific and measurable. Instead of setting a goal to “exercise more,” set a goal to “exercise for 30 minutes three times per week.” This makes your goal more concrete and gives you a clear target to aim for.

Setting clear and specific goals can help you stay focused and motivated, and it can also make it easier to measure your progress over time.

Create a to-do list and prioritize tasks

Another practical way to overcome procrastination is to create a to-do list and prioritize tasks. When we have a clear list of tasks to complete, it can be easier to stay focused and avoid distractions. Plus, by prioritizing tasks, we can ensure that we’re tackling the most important and urgent tasks first.

When creating a to-do list, start by listing all of the tasks you need to complete. Then, prioritize them based on urgency and importance. One helpful way to prioritize tasks is to use the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks into four quadrants:

  1. Urgent and important tasks: These tasks should be completed first, as they are both urgent and important.
  2. Important but not urgent tasks: These tasks should be scheduled and completed after urgent tasks are finished.
  3. Urgent but not important tasks: These tasks can be delegated to others or postponed if possible.
  4. Not urgent and not important tasks: These tasks can be eliminated or postponed.

By prioritizing tasks and focusing on the most urgent and important ones first, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and stay on track to meet your goals.

Eliminate distractions

Distractions can be a major barrier to productivity and a common cause of procrastination. With the ever-increasing number of digital distractions in our lives, it’s important to take steps to eliminate them and stay focused on the task at hand.

To eliminate distractions, start by identifying the most common sources of distraction in your life. This may include social media, email notifications, or even people around you. Once you’ve identified these distractions, take steps to eliminate them.

For example, you may need to turn off your phone or log out of social media while you’re working. You may also need to set specific times for checking your email, rather than checking it constantly throughout the day.

It’s also important to create a workspace that is conducive to productivity. This may mean finding a quiet space where you can work without interruption or using noise-cancelling headphones to block out external distractions.

Start with the most challenging task

When faced with a list of tasks, it’s tempting to start with the easiest or most enjoyable tasks first. However, this can often lead to procrastination, as we may avoid the more challenging tasks on our list.

To overcome this, try starting with the most challenging task first. This can help you build momentum and gain a sense of accomplishment, which can in turn motivate you to tackle the rest of your tasks.

Starting with the most challenging task can also help you avoid decision fatigue. Decision fatigue refers to the idea that our ability to make decisions decreases after making a series of decisions. By tackling the most challenging task first, you can make the most important decision early on and avoid decision fatigue later in the day.

Of course, starting with the most challenging task can be difficult. To make it easier, try breaking the task down into smaller, more manageable steps. This can help you feel less overwhelmed and more confident in your ability to complete the task.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that can be helpful for overcoming procrastination. The technique involves breaking work into 25-minute intervals, known as “Pomodoros,” separated by short breaks.

To use the Pomodoro Technique, start by setting a timer for 25 minutes and working on a task without interruption until the timer goes off. Then, take a short break (around 5 minutes) before starting another Pomodoro. After completing four Pomodoros, take a longer break (around 20-30 minutes).

The Pomodoro Technique can be helpful for several reasons. First, it helps break work down into manageable intervals, making it easier to stay focused and avoid procrastination. Second, taking regular breaks can help prevent burnout and increase productivity.

To make the most of the Pomodoro Technique, it’s important to use the breaks effectively. During breaks, try to step away from your work and do something that allows you to recharge, such as taking a walk or doing a quick mindfulness exercise.

Reward yourself for completing tasks

One effective way to overcome procrastination is to create a reward system for yourself. Rewards can help motivate you to complete tasks and make the process of working more enjoyable.

To create a reward system, start by identifying rewards that are meaningful to you. This may include things like taking a break to watch your favorite TV show, treating yourself to a special snack, or spending time on a hobby you enjoy.

Once you’ve identified your rewards, create a system for earning them. For example, you may decide to reward yourself after completing a certain number of Pomodoros or after finishing a particularly challenging task.

It’s important to remember that rewards should be used in moderation. While they can be helpful for staying motivated, relying too heavily on rewards can actually reinforce procrastination. Instead, try to strike a balance between using rewards to stay motivated and relying on intrinsic motivation to achieve your goals.

Find an accountability partner

Procrastination can often be a solitary behavior, but having someone to hold you accountable can be a powerful tool for overcoming it. Finding an accountability partner can help you stay motivated and focused.

An accountability partner is someone who you check in with regularly to discuss your progress and hold you accountable for completing your tasks. This could be a friend, family member, or even a colleague. Ideally, your accountability partner should be someone who is also working towards their own goals and can provide mutual support.

To find an accountability partner, start by reaching out to people in your personal or professional network. Explain your goals and your desire to overcome procrastination, and see if anyone is interested in partnering with you.

Once you’ve found an accountability partner, set up a regular check-in schedule. This could be a weekly phone call, a daily text message, or any other method that works for both of you. During these check-ins, discuss your progress, any challenges you’ve faced, and brainstorm ways to overcome them.


Procrastination can be a difficult habit to break, but with the right strategies, it’s possible to overcome it. Here, we’ve explored 7 practical tips for overcoming procrastination.

By implementing these strategies, you can develop the habits and mindset necessary to overcome procrastination and achieve your goals. Remember, overcoming procrastination is a process, and it may take time and effort to see results.

We hope you found these tips helpful, and we encourage you to try them out in your own life. Good luck on your journey towards overcoming procrastination!

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