12 Habits of Successful People and Why People Fail to Maintain Them

12 Habits of Successful People and Why People Fail to Maintain Them
By productivityforyou •  Updated: 02/24/23 •  4 min read

Successful people often credit their success to certain habits that they have developed and maintained over time. These habits help them stay productive, focused, and on track towards achieving their goals.

However, it’s not always easy to maintain these habits, and many people struggle to keep them up. In this blog post, we’ll look at 12 habits of successful people and explore why people fail to maintain them.

Wake up early

Successful people often wake up early to make the most of their day. They use this time to exercise, meditate, or work on important tasks.

However, many people struggle to maintain this habit because they find it difficult to get out of bed because they stay up too late or hit snooze many times.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help boost productivity, improve mood, and reduce stress. Successful people often make exercise a priority.

Many people struggle here due to a lack of motivation or time. For example, they skip the gym when they are not feeling like it.

Learn continuously

Successful people are always learning and growing. They read books, take courses, and seek out new experiences.

However, many people struggle to maintain this habit because they find it difficult to prioritize learning over other tasks. They always have excuses that they have no free time.

Set goals

Successful people are goal-oriented and have a clear idea of what they want to achieve. They set specific, measurable, and achievable goals.

However, many people fail here because they set unrealistic goals or don’t even have the plan to achieve them. They just want to flow with life.

Manage time effectively

Time management is essential for staying productive and achieving goals. Successful people use tools like to-do lists, calendars, and timers to manage their time effectively.

However, most people struggle to have effective time management because they procrastinate or get overwhelmed by tasks.

Practice self-discipline

Self-discipline is key to maintaining good habits and achieving goals. Successful people practice self-discipline by setting boundaries, saying no to distractions, and sticking to a routine.

However, many people fail miserably to keep a disciplined life because they lack motivation or find it difficult to stay disciplined.

Surround yourself with positive people

Successful people surround themselves with positive, supportive people who inspire and motivate them. They seek out mentors, coaches, and like-minded individuals.

However, people struggle to maintain this habit because they don’t make an effort to find positive people or get stuck in negative relationships.

Take calculated risks

Successful people are not afraid to take calculated risks. They weigh the pros and cons and make informed decisions.

However, many people even don’t want to think about risks. Because they fear failure and never wish to come out of their comfort zone.

Embrace growth mindset

Successful people have a growth mindset, which means they believe that their abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work and dedication.

People who fail to maintain good habits often have a fixed mindset, which can hold them back from reaching their full potential.

Take action

Successful people take action and make things happen.

People who fail to maintain good habits often procrastinate and make excuses, which can prevent them from reaching their full potential.

Network and build relationships

Successful people understand the value of networking and building relationships. They attend events, reach out to people in their industry, and invest in their network.

However, many people fail to do this because they find it uncomfortable to socialize or don’t know how to network effectively.

Prioritize tasks

Successful people prioritize their tasks based on importance and urgency. They focus on the most important tasks first and delegate or eliminate less important ones.

However, many people struggle to maintain this habit because they don’t make effort to organize their tasks and also get distracted easily.


In summary, developing good habits is essential for success. However, maintaining these habits can be challenging.

The reasons why people fail to maintain good habits can vary, but with self-awareness and perseverance, anyone can overcome these obstacles and achieve their goals.

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